About company
MM1986 Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Selling leading brand air compressors from Japan, Europe and America
Air Compressor (air compressor), Air Dryer (air dryer), Air Quality (air quality improvement equipment), Spare part (air pump spare parts) and various services
Such as Installation, installation service, Preventive Maintenance, preventive maintenance service, Efficiency Test, measuring the efficiency of air compressors.
Ready to serve 24 hours
Products and services
Our Products
Air Compressor
Spare Part
Air Dryer
Auto Drain
Mainline Filter
Air Reciver Tank
Products and Services
Services of MM1986 Engineering
Monthly, yearly preventive inspection services with performance reports on customers' air compressors. and keep customer history With a team of engineers and expert technicians More than 18 years of work experience in preventive maintenance (PM), with details as follows:
- Air Compressor / air pump
- Air Dryer / Air drying machine
- Mainline Filter / Filtering equipment
- Air Receiver Tank / Air Receiver Tank
- Drain System/ Drain System
The goal of Preventive Maintenance is to maintain the efficiency of the air system. To be at the highest point and reduce the chance of a break down of the system. This is done to avoid problems with the user's production line system causing loss and to be able to control the production line to work according to schedule.
Over Haul
Over Haul service and repair of all models of air compressors. All brands by a team of experts and modern tools Work on time and get the quality as desired
Installation & Consut
(BS-M/Stainless/HDPE/PPR) Installation service, PM electrical system, DB/MDB electrical system, ready to give advice. The wind system is designed by experienced and expert engineers.
Compressed Air System Audit
Measuring service, analyzing air consumption and energy consumption of compressed air systems
With modern equipment and technology We can measure And accurately analyze the air consumption and energy consumption of your compressed air system during each use period.